

Our company has changed its name

10.06.2022 | Germany

We would like to inform you that our company has changed its name. The company known to you as VALEO IT Personalservice GmbH will be called in the future: VALEO IT Services International GmbH. All general terms and conditions remain valid and unchanged. Furthermore, the address known to you remains unaffected by the name change, only the company name has changed. We would also like to inform you that our telephone number and the extension of your contact person have changed.

From now on you can reach us by phone under: +49 9607 238990. You will receive the extension numbers directly from your contact persons.

We have continuously developed and expanded our global presence in the last few years. For this reason, we have adapted our company name accordingly. In this context, we would also like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and look forward to further successful collaboration.

We kindly ask you to use the new company name in our business correspondence from now on and to adjust it in your system.

Our company has changed its name

10.06.2022 | Germany

We would like to inform you that our company has changed its name. The company known to you as VALEO IT Personalservice GmbH will be called in the future: VALEO IT Services International GmbH. All general terms and conditions remain valid and unchanged. Furthermore, the address known to you remains unaffected by the name change, only the company name has changed. We would also like to inform you that our telephone number and the extension of your contact person have changed.

From now on you can reach us by phone under: +49 9607 238990. You will receive the extension numbers directly from your contact persons.

We have continuously developed and expanded our global presence in the last few years. For this reason, we have adapted our company name accordingly. In this context, we would also like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and look forward to further successful collaboration.

We kindly ask you to use the new company name in our business correspondence from now on and to adjust it in your system.