March 23, 2023

Digital Minister in Luhe-Wildenau

Digital Minister-in-Luhe-Wildenau

Rent a Bauhof" project

Last week, we had the honor of welcoming the Digital Minister Judith Gerlach, the mayor of the market town of Luhe-Wildenau, Sebastian Hartl, and the deputy district administrator Albert Nickl to the premises of VALEO IT Services International GmbH. They were accompanied by the OTH Amberg-Weiden students involved in the project.

During this visit, the pioneering "Rent a Bauhof" project was presented, an online platform that enables municipalities to efficiently share construction equipment. The project was officially launched by Digital Minister Gerlach on April 17, 2023 in Luhe-Wildenau, Upper Palatinate.

Goals and benefits of the "Rent a Bauhof" platform

The aim of the "Rent a Bauhof" project is to enable construction equipment such as excavators and road construction machinery to be rented quickly and easily between building yards in the region. This online platform enables local authorities to dispense with the permanent purchase of expensive machinery, which not only eases the burden on municipal budgets, but also makes a positive contribution to environmental protection. The development of the project is being supported by the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs with around 225,000 euros. Once the development phase is complete, the platform will serve as an example of best practice for all municipalities in Bavaria.

Statement from Digital Minister Judith Gerlach

During her visit to Luhe-Wildenau, Gerlach emphasized: "Thanks to modern online solutions, we are making the use of municipal construction equipment more efficient and sustainable. This allows us to save costs and protect the environment at the same time."

How the platform works

The "Rent a Bauhof" platform is being developed as a comprehensive solution that covers all aspects of the rental process, from the provision of machines to the definition of rental conditions and the processing of payments. The platform is being developed by VALEO IT Services International GmbH together with Markt Luhe-Wildenau and will be accessible to all interested municipalities in the region once completed. This digital solution promotes the shared use and better utilization of machines and thus contributes to a more efficient use of resources and climate protection.

Part of the competition "Kommunal? Digital!"

"Rent a Bauhof" is one of ten projects selected as part of the "Kommunal? Digital!" competition organized by the Ministry of Digital Affairs. The aim of this competition is to implement innovative digital ideas to promote sustainability in Bavarian municipalities. Each selected project receives funding of up to 500,000 euros and serves as a model for other municipalities. Accompanying scientific research is part of the program, and the participating municipalities contribute at least 10 percent of the funded amount.

We at VALEO IT Services International GmbH are proud to be part of this pioneering project, which not only promotes efficiency and sustainability in the Upper Palatinate, but will also serve as a model for other municipalities in Bavaria.

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