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Ideas competition "Municipal? Digital"! - Network conference in Munich - Digitalization in Bavarian municipalities - Design Offices Munich - Rent-A-Bauhof - Luhe-Wildenau - Sebastian Hartl, Simon Kirchner - VALEO IT Services International GmbH
Digitization in Bavarian municipalities

VALEO IT at the network conference in Munich Last week, VALEO IT Services International GmbH presented the "Rent-A-Bauhof" project together with Markt Luhe-Wildenau and a student from OTH Amberg-Weiden at the "Digitalization in Bavarian Municipalities" network conference at the Design Offices in Munich. The needs of the municipalities and innovative solutions were the focus of this conference.

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Project kick-off "Rent a Bauhof"

Cooperation with OTH Amberg-Weiden Together with Mayor Sebsastian Hartl, Managing Director Bastian Braun and Project Manager Simon Kirchner welcomed Master's students from OTH Amberg-Weiden who were interested in the project. The municipality of Luhe-Wildenau is one of the winners of the Bavaria-wide ideas competition "Kommunal? Digital!" competition. More than 75 projects applied in total. The winners were then selected by a jury under the...

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VALEO IT in the Philippines

We believe that people are our greatest asset VALEO IT Services Inc. is a relatively new IT services company in the Philippines. Originating from our headquarters in Luhe-Wildenau, Germany, VALEO IT Services International GmbH has a global presence and operations spanning Europe, the Americas and the Asia-Pacific region. Since our humble beginnings in...

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We are certified again

According to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 With the certificate, VALEO IT confirms and demonstrates that it meets the defined quality management standards, sets these as objectives and achieves them. A recognized accreditation body (TÜV Süd Management Services GmbH) determines compliance with the standard requirements as part of an external audit and checks this continuously in annual surveillance audits. VALEO IT is expanding its...

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Change of name from VALEO IT Personalservice GmbH to VALEO IT Services International GmbH
Change of name

Our company has changed its name We would like to inform you that our company has changed its name. The company known to you as VALEO IT Personalservice GmbH will in future be called: VALEO IT Services International GmbH All general terms and conditions remain unchanged. Furthermore, the address known to you remains unaffected by the change of name, only the company name has...

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