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Bavaria's Best 50 award

50 medium-sized companies from all over Bavaria Once again this year, 50 medium-sized companies from all over Bavaria were honored as part of the BAYERNS BEST 50 competition. This honor is awarded independently and according to objective criteria by the Bavarian State Ministry to the 50 fastest-growing medium-sized companies in Bavaria. Future viability and economic stability were important selection criteria. Honored...

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ISO 9001 Certification - VALEO IT Services International GmbH
ISO 9001:2015 certified

VALEO IT Services International GmbH is now certified The ISO 9001 quality management standard is the most widely used standard in quality management both nationally and internationally. ISO certification describes the process by which a company obtains a certificate of conformity that confirms compliance with ISO standards. As an established and experienced IT partner, VALEO IT offers industry-independent IT solutions. Our customers...

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